Ready To Work At Home?
If you are ready to work at home, the first step is to not to quit your current job yet. Unless you don't have a job, and then you are ready to begin. Many people would love to find the perfect work at home job. The truth is that there is no perfect work at home job. What there is are a lot of jobs, opportunities and ways to make money working from home available.
With the advent of computers, a work at home job has become a reality for many people. Computers have made it possible for nearly anyone to find a work at home job if they are willing to put forth the effort.
A work at home job may be able to be done in your pajamas, but it does not mean that the job will not entail actual work, and it does not mean that you will get paid to do nothing. It does mean that you can have a more flexible schedule and that you don't have to dress up to go to work or commute in traffic every day.
If you are serious about working online at home, you MUST start by following these important steps:
Search the net to find as many work at home opportunities as you can.
Sign up for some work at home newsletters to gain more information.
Network in chat rooms and forums with others who are doing the same thing. Chances are you will find something that is suitable for you as a work at home job.
Be skeptical of offers that sound too good to be true, and use your common sense when looking at work at home job offers.
Be wary of work opportunities that charge large membership or start up fees. There are plenty of online job prospects that require little funding or are totally free.
By following these steps you are providing yourself with the right tools to make an informed decision about working at home on the internet. So get started and good luck!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Five Key Points that should be in Every Work at Home Resume
There are five main points that a solid work at home resume should address. These main points cover the key qualities that make a goods work at home employee and are the basic things an employer is looking for. The resume should point out and give examples of how the person has the following skills:
1. The ability to work independently. Independence is important because when working at home a person has nobody watching them and making sure they are getting their work done.
2. Is a reliable worker. Someone who shows up for work and does their job is going to be able to handle the responsibility of working at home.
3. Is able to meet deadlines. Meeting deadlines is important in working at home because this skill shows a person will be able to do the job assigned to them.
4. Has a creative ability. Creativity is a skill that is looked at by work at home employers because it shows an employee has the ability to create solutions and can handle the often unpredictable world of working at home. It is also a skill that demonstrates a person is a good thinker and will most likely be able to balance home and work.
5. Has the needed experience or education for the job. This needs no major explanation, but is essential to getting the job.
These five points should be covered in every work at home resume. Resumes should also be tailored to each type of work at home job a person is applying for.
Robert Thatcher
10 Boundless Ways To Anchor Down More Sales
2. Increase your ratio of visitors that purchase your product(s). You could change your headline, offer a stronger guarantee, add testimonials, etc.
3. Find out who are your strongest leads for buying your product by offering a free ezine. The visitors that are very interested will subscribe to it.
4. Team up with your competition by starting an association for your specific industry. It could lead to a profitable partnership with them.
5. Publish an e-zine for your employees. This could motivate them to do a better job or fill them in on were your business is headed .
6. Search for your business' name in newsgroups and discussion boards. Some of the comments you find could help you improve your business.
7. Attract people to link to your web site. You could offer them a discount on the products you sell or give them free stuff for linking.
8. Develop your own opt in email list by giving your visitors a reason to give you their e-mail address. Allow them sign up to free stuff and contests.
9. Create a "PR" web page for your business. List information that could be considered newsworthy for e-zines, newspapers, magazines, etc.
10. Give your business and products credibility by linking to web sites that have written positive stories about your business.
Quote of the Day:
"...if the next generation is to face the future with zest and self-confidence, we must educate them to be original as well as competent." -- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Clifford Brown
Friday, June 27, 2008
Home Office
Home Office
The idea of work from home is not a new one. Work from home positions have been offered in newspapers for decades, allowing people to work from home for profit. Magazines and employment agencies also list work from home jobs.
People choose to work from home for many reasons. A nine-to-five job may make
less money than a work from home position, demand more hours than a work from
home position, and cause more stress than a work from home position. Parents
like to work from home to be with their children. Some companies realize the
advantages of work from home, and are just now allowing office workers to work
from home if their job title makes work from home feasible.
For the person wishing to work from home, a little research is required before
he can work from home. What hours can you work from home? Some work from home
call centers are only open during certain hours in the day while other work from
home jobs are available twenty-four hours. How much money do you need to make
if you work from home? The payment may vary immensely from one work from home
job to another work from home job. Some work from home business are high profit
while some work from home businesses are not. Choosing your work from home
business is a balancing act.
Once you work from home, it will be difficult not to work from home. Work from
home jobs and work from home businesses can be the best way to make money, have
free time, and live the life of your dreams.
How Do I Find a Work at Home Job?
For many people the idea of a work at home job is ideal. No need to dress up. No morning commute. Plus, in some cases, a work at home job offers flexible scheduling. Yet for many people who want a work at home job, the search can be a deterrent. Know where to look to ease the work associated with finding a work at home job.
One great resource that can help you find a work at home job is a job databank that can take your characteristics and experience and place you in a work at home job. Many companies will post a work at home job on these websites, because they tend to be more reliable and find qualified candidates for a work at home job. However, many of the better sites do charge a fee for the service of matching you with a work at home job, but you will find it is easier to search from one, reliable location for a work at home job. Plus, these job databanks can help you with other tasks like resume building that will help you get that work at home job.
Knowing how to use the search engine at these work at home job databanks is also important to you finding a work at home job. Make sure at general sites that you put in words that go along with a work at home job like, "work at home," "telecommute," "home-based," "home worker," etc. Using the right keywords will streamline your process of finding a work at home job better.
Even your local newspaper's classifieds have gotten into the work at home job search. Many of them are now moving to special sections for the work at home job. Even the local job search websites have those same places for work at home jobs. Remember your keywords when you are searching for a work at home job when on those websites.
You may also want to do some research within your industry to find a work at home job. Talk to people to see if they know any companies that have a work at home job available. You may even be able to talk to some human resource professionals to see if their companies have any work at home jobs.
Read the rest of the article here: How Do I Find a Work at Home Job?.
Download the Free Quick Start Workbook (Free $97 Value!) and receive valuable tips, strategies and techniques designed to grow a very successful Home Based Business.
Copyright © Charles Fuchs is an established Six Figure Income earner and one of the top online marketer's. He specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home and Home Based Business on the internet.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
10 Electrifying Ways To Explode Your Orders
them a freebie in exchange for them linking to your
web site. It could be content, software, etc.
2. Link to web sites that provide useful information
or services for your visitors. If you have many useful
links on your site, they may make it their start page.
3. Spice-up your web site's wording using plenty of
adjectives. It gives your visitors a clearer vision of
what your explaining or describing to them.
4. Don't make your banner ads look like ads. Most
people ignore banner ads. Design them to look like
content and have them click to read the rest.
5. Join affiliate programs that go with the theme of
your web site. You'll just be wasting valuable space
and time if your visitors aren't interested in them.
6. Market your web site as a free club instead of
a web site. This'll increase your repeat visitors and
sales because people enjoy belonging to groups.
7. Interact with your online customers on a regular
basis. This'll show them you care about them. You
could use a chat room, forum or message system.
8. Check your web site links regularly. After people
click on one link, and it doesn't work, they usually
won't risk wasting their time clicking on another one.
9. Give visitors a positive experience when they're
at your web site. Provide them with original content
and free stuff. They'll tell all of their friends about it.
10. Share customers with other businesses that have
the same target audience. Offer their product to your
customers if, in exchange they do the same for you.
Quote of the Day:
"Education is not the piling on of learning, information,
data, facts, skills, or abilities--that's training or
instruction--but is rather a making visible what is hidden
as a seed... To be educated, a person doesn't have to know
much or be informed, but he or she does have to have been
exposed vulnerably to the transformative events of an
engaged human life... One of the greatest problems of our
time is that many are schooled but few are educated." --
Thomas Moore
Monday, June 23, 2008
Logo - An Identity For Your Business
What is a Logo?
Logo is the visual representation of your company or organization. It is the name, symbol, monogram, emblem, trademark or any other graphic representation designed for easy and definitive recognition by your company audience.
Logo design has its origin in Greece. Ancient Greeks used symbols, which consisted of one or more letters. These typically represented the initial letters of a person or place for use on stationery and signs. Early Greek coins used to bear the logos of rulers and towns. In the middle ages, similar logos were seen in abundance in commercial use.
Merchants in the thirteenth century used these simple letterforms as trademarks. These early examples of logo design include marks for masons, goldsmiths and nobility. By the 1700s, every trader and dealer had a trademark or stamp.
The industrial revolution caused a dramatic gain in the value and importance of trademarks. By the 1950s, with the emergence of national and multinational corporations, trademarks began to move beyond symbols, using larger design systems to unify all communications, to accomplish identifiable goals.
In today's world, company logos have become the faces of business. The general audience has become very responsive to logos and their meanings. Because of the diversity of products and services available today, a well planned and thought-out-logo design is very important to a company's success.
Logos trigger people's memories of previous experiences with the company, leaving a greater impact than words alone can do. Logo itself is the simplest and direct way of promoting a business. It describes a company without lengthy explanation. A well-designed logo will help your business to increase visibility and in turn, sales.
What makes a Good Logo
Don't be too flashy and try not to include too much information. These can have a negative impact. Complex designs representing all aspects of your business and long tag lines are fine in their place, but not as part your logo. The logo type and imagery should be instantly recognizable, up close and at a distance.
Logos with rich colors and rich illustrations may be difficult to use in certain applications. A good logo design should consider all potential implementations.
Your company logo design should be distinct to make your company stand out of the crowd. Using common or fashionable styles goes against the purpose of having a logo and can even have a negative backlash among your audience, who can view your company as unimaginative.
Keeping Your Website Content Moving
The logic here is that a site that has been updated in the last month is going to be more relevant that a site that has not been updated for over a year.
Keeping your website content up-to-date not only reflects your organisation in a good light to visitors, it can also help you climb the search engine rankings. Adding news features is a great way to tell people who come to your site about how great your business is doing. Keeping your website content up-to-date not only reflects your organisation in a good light to visitors but also makes it look like its cared for and updated regularly.
Simply adding news features about anything that's happening in your business can help keep your site up to date and also keep your customers more informed. Whether that's telling customers and suppliers about big orders you've won, any new products or ranges you have, or how your company will be affected by a recent news story or if you're doing really well any awards you've won or are nominated for.
Just by displaying and featuring a new product or adding to a range you could find that this is the first time someone has realised you actually sell that product or service.
So, other than adding content what else can you do to optimise your site.
Article Source:
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Art of Selling
The art of selling begins with the right selling attitude.
When you combine the right attitude with sharpened selling skills you can achieve everything you want in sales.
There's a lesson from golf I'd like to share with you that may impact your attitude - at least I hope it does.
If you know anything about golf, you know that the U.S. Open was played this past weekend.
It came down to the last hole and the last putt. It was 12 feet long. Sink the putt and you're going to the 18-hole playoff on Monday.
Tiger Woods sank the putt and would meet Rocco Mediate on Monday 18-hole playoff.
I was fortunate enough to play with Rocco 20 years ago in a Ronald McDonald Charity event at the famed Oakmont Country Club.
Rocco has never won a major golf tournament. Tiger Woods has won 14.
So I'm cheering for both guys to win for different reasons.
It got me thinking about inspiration. It doesn't matter if you're a professional golfer or a professional sales representative. We all need to be inspired.
In 1969 Tony Jacklin won the British Open.
In 1970 Tony Jacklin won the U.S. Open.
Several weeks ago he was asked where he got his inspiration from throughout his golfing career.
He said he was inspired by a poem. This poem that inspired Tony Jacklin was written by his caddie John Elnor.
Here's the poem:
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you would like to win but think you can't, it's almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost.
For out in the world, you'll find, success begins in the fellow's will. It's all in a state of mind.
Think big and your deeds will grow.
Think small and you'll fall behind.
Think that you can and you will.
It's all in a state of mind.
Life's battles won't always go to the strong or fast at hand, but sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
I think it's a terrific poem with a dynamic message for entrepreneurs and salespeople.
Why not read this poem everyday before you make a first sales call.
One of the cornerstones to the art of selling is your selling attitude.
If you think you can you will. If you think you can't you won't.
Why would you ever imagine and think you can't when all it takes is imagining and thinking you can?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Protecting Your Privacy When Working At Home
If you can afford at the start of your business, have a separate phone line installed that is strictly for business. Use an answering machine for after hours calls and unless a client or customer leaves a message that it is an emergency, call them back the next business day. If possible, do not give out your home telephone number as a contact number. You never know if little Johnny or Susie will answer the phone leaving a bad impression on a potential customer.
There are many services that will cross boundaries between your work life and your private life and understanding where they meet will help you keep your sanity when working from home. When you first start the business, it may be easy for your spouse to ask you to get things done around the house while they are at work. You will need to remind them gently that you will be working and no, you don’t have time to finish the dishes, or throw a load of laundry in the washing machine and you definitely don’t have time to paint the bathroom.
Unless the business requires you to meet with clients and there is no way around it, do not entertain business associates at your home. In fact, clients probably should not even have your home address. Using email and the telephone for client contact is in the best interest for privacy, as you don’t want an irate customer banging on your door while you eat supper with the family. A post office box is not overly expensive and can be used for most shipping and helps protect your family’s privacy.
Remember, this is your business and you need to remember that your spouse and children are not employees. You may be working out of a home office, but it is still your family’s home and you need to make sure you have definite boundaries established. Just as you do not want them crossing into your office space while you are working, you need to show the same respect to your family by not allowing work to cross into their private space.
Copyright Ă‚© Clifford Brown
Planning a Home Business around a Central Topic
The first of those things has to do with figuring out the topic that your home business is going to be on. This is not a topic in terms of something that a book needs to have, but rather a topic in terms of what your home business is going to be about. For example, if a person wanted to open a Hobbie shop, then there would be a Crafts topic to their home business. If someone wanted to blog, then the topic would be whatever they wanted to blog about. There are a number of different topics available out there today and choosing one for your home business is perhaps the most important thing you can plan ahead of time.
Now, when most people are choosing the topic of their home business, they tend to use one of two methods. They will either choose a home business topic that they are very familiar with, love doing and would really have no problem doing for free, or alternatively they will choose a home business topic that they think would generate a lot of interest in the demographics that they can reach. If you are on the internet, then the demographic you can reach is endless, whereas if you are off the internet, then you need to be aware of the people that live near wherever your home business happens to be.
While these two methods of home business topic choosing both have their ups and their downs, neither one is inherently better than the other. There are certain situations (i.e. blogging for a profit) where one might be obviously indicated as being the better one, but for the most part you can get along choosing either of those two things.
That idea brings us to the big question; how do you know which one of the two methods you should choose? Well, it once again depends on the type of person you are. If you are a free spirit, not really interested in too much planning and willing to take a chance just to see where it takes you, then choosing something that appeals to you and that you would do for free might be the way to go. If you are the meticulous type and are good at keeping things organized, then it would seem that going for the more likely profit would be a better idea. It largely depends on you and while neither of the two choices is wrong, it is very important that you are confident in the choice you make.
Copyright Ă‚© Clifford Brown
Thursday, June 19, 2008
How To Become A Private Investigator
Working From Home With Your Family

Many people think of working from home as a way to simply make the money that they need to make in order to pay the bills so that their family can live as comfortably as possible. Too many times when someone is working from home, they take their family for granted and the family starts to feel as if the work from home job might take up just as much of their loved ones time and energy than a job would if they were going to it.
Also, it is way too easy for someone to take on too much work as they work from home, because they might be tempted to simply work all day and all night and will forget to take the time to be away from work. Having a job at home means that you are never away from your job, which can be very dangerous. There are several ways to make sure that your family does not get lost in the shuffle when it comes to you working from home.
Another thing that you can do is to make your work time correspond with the times where your family is doing something else. Try to get your work done while the kids are at school or after they have gone to sleep. Try not to be working all of the time, remember that even though you are working from home you should not be spending all of your time in your office or your shop.
There should be times that are designated as times that are not for working, and you should be sure that you are sticking by the rules that you have set for yourself so that you do not get burned out. Remember that working from home should be something that is enjoyable to you and something that benefits your family and yourself. It is not going to do anybody any good if you work at home and you are not able to enjoy yourself or your life. Try to keep it positive and try to keep it real.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Answers to Job Interview Questions
The following 'difficult' questions are common to most tricky or adversarial interviews. In order to convince the interviewer that you are the best person for the job, you must prepare and rehearse your answers meticulously.
Study the job description and the candidate profile; research the company; and match your skills and accomplishments to the employer's requirements.
When preparing your answers, consider what each question is designed to find out about the candidate's suitability for the position on offer.
1. Why are you leaving your current job?
The employer is seeking to identify problems you have had in the past that you may carry over into your new job. Always cite positive reasons for joining and leaving a company. Never criticize your previous employer or work colleagues. Avoid statements that may convey a negative impression of yourself or your ability to get on with others. State that you are looking for a new challenge and briefly explain why you see the advertised position as an important step forward in your career.
2. Why should we employ you rather than one of the other candidates?
The interviewer wants to know what unique quality makes you the best person for the job. To differentiate yourself from the other candidates, you must show that you have researched the company thoroughly and studied the job description. You should be prepared to demonstrate clearly how your skills, qualifications, and accomplishments match the employer's specific needs. It is important to convey genuine enthusiasm for the post.
3. What are your strenghts and weaknesses?
This particularly tricky question requires painstaking preparation and rehearsal. The interviewer is looking for evidence of critical self-assessment and a commitment to continuous self-development. Stress specific job-related strengths and accomplishments. Select one weakness that could be viewed both as positive and negative, e.g. you are a perfectionist who tends to work too long hours. Show, by particular example, how you have successfully addressed this tendency. Make sure to portray yourself in a positive light. Never mention a weakness that is directly related to job for which you are being interviewed.
4. Tell me about yourself.
The interviewer wants to know how well suited you are to the job and how you can benefit the company. Spend no longer than two minutes answering this question. By analysing the job description and carrying out detailed company research in advance, you will have a clear idea of the ideal candidate. Focus on your skills, qualifications, and accomplishments that relate to the advertised position. Remember that the company has a problem and they are looking for the best solution. Prove to them that you can solve their problem better than anyone else.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
This question is designed to determine your career plan. Have you well planned short-term and long-term career goals? Is the advertised position consistent with these? If hired, are you likely to commit yourself fully to the company or will you seize the first opportunity to move on? Show that you have a structured way of establishing goals. Demonstrate the importance of the job on offer as part of your career progression. Stress that you are ambitious, but realistic. Let them know that you plan to develop professionally within the company and to work energetically to obtain promotion.
6. Why do you want to work for our company?
The interviewer is trying to discover how much you know about the company. Once again, detailed company research will pay handsome dividends when it comes to answering this question. The candidate who displays a knowledge of the company and an awareness of the challenges it faces is more likely to be selected than the tongue-tied interviewee who looks perplexed when asked why he or she wants to work for that particular company.
You should find out as much as you can about the company's organisational structure; its financial history; its range of products, goods or services; its aims and objectives; its philosophy and culture; its trading methods; its history, current position, and future developments; its competitors; its training programmes; its attitude towards its customers; its achievements; and any problems it may have. Tailor your answer in terms of their needs not yours.
Be positive. Say that you like what you've heard about the company and the way they treat their staff and customers. Stress that you are confident that you can make a meaningful contribution.
From 'Four Minutes to Job Interview Success' published by Assignments Plus
By Buzzle Staff and Agencies
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Home Office
The idea of work from home is not a new one. Work from home positions have been offered in newspapers for decades, allowing people to work from home for profit. Magazines and employment agencies also list work from home jobs.
People choose to work from home for many reasons. A nine-to-five job may make
less money than a work from home position, demand more hours than a work from
home position, and cause more stress than a work from home position. Parents
like to work from home to be with their children. Some companies realize the
advantages of work from home, and are just now allowing office workers to work
from home if their job title makes work from home feasible.
For the person wishing to work from home, a little research is required before
he can work from home. What hours can you work from home? Some work from home
call centers are only open during certain hours in the day while other work from
home jobs are available twenty-four hours. How much money do you need to make
if you work from home? The payment may vary immensely from one work from home
job to another work from home job. Some work from home business are high profit
while some work from home businesses are not. Choosing your work from home
business is a balancing act.
Once you work from home, it will be difficult not to work from home. Work from
home jobs and work from home businesses can be the best way to make money, have
free time, and live the life of your dreams.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Work From Home Part Time
Working from home part-time and also working a full-time job can really find you in a time crunch. It can be real tough working both jobs and trying to be successful at the same time. Learning how to manage your time can make your work from home part time much more effective and life much easier.
A work from home part time business does not have to be difficult. But, it will require a certain amount of time and effort on your part. It is not necessary to be great at selling, as this is not required to be successful for your work from home part time business. It is a good idea to research some affiliate programs and then decide on one that suits your needs.
To start a work from home part time job is sometimes the best option when first deciding to work from home. This approach can be taken to help you feel like you are not risking to much all at once.
One thought is if your work from home part time job is not a success, you will have your full time job to fall back on. It is important to maintain a balance between your full time job and your work from home part time business. You will have the opportunity to work at your home business full time once you feel you are successful enough to give up your full time job.
A very important benefit to work from home part time is the ability to work from the comfort of your home while enjoying your family and making the money that you've always dreamed about.
If your goal is to eventually quit your full time job and work from home full-time, you will need to give your business time to grow before quitting your main job. Quitting your job and jumping into a work from home part time business, if you do not have any prior experience of running a business can be risky. It is a good idea to keep your full-time job until you have money coming in to pay the bills, and then and only then will you feel comfortable quitting your full time job.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Home Business Trends
Most of us have been conditioned to believe that if we go to school, get a good education and a job with a big company, we will be set for life. Although that worked during the "Industrial Age", our economy has changed dramatically.
We now are in what is referred to as the "Information Age". The same beliefs that worked well during the Industrial Age no longer hold true. We now have an economy that is driven by information, technology and service.
In the last ten years the western world has seen a tremendous surge in the number of people either working from home or starting home based businesses. Many large corporations are even encouraging employees to do this ... it's a convenience that is fueled both by technology and changing social trends ... and because of technology, small home-based businesses have the same reach and capabilities as their larger competitors.
Studies now show that literally millions of people worldwide have successful and stable home-based businesses and that number grows each year. Amazingly, people who already have jobs or other careers start many of these home-based businesses.
For the average person, a home based business is the "bridge" between the hectic big cities and the slow paced, sometimes remote, family-oriented small towns. During the Industrial Age people believed that it was necessary to live in metropolitan areas next to big corporate employers. This is no longer true, thanks to personal computers, the Internet, increasing phone systems, fax machines, and satellite systems.
Home Based Business Scams - 11 Ways to Protect Yourself
(1) Do a quick search by using some of the major search engines such as Goggle or Yahoo and type in the company or person name followed by the word "scam." Research all leads. check to see if there are any complaints online.
(2) Check with the state's Attorney General's Office. They keep a list of complaints made on companies
(3) Go to: to see if the company or person is listed. They provide a lot of information about telephone, mail, and online scams.
(4) Always look for a phone number, physical address and check to see if this information is correct.
(5) Make sure that the company offers a money back guarantee. Find out what steps to take to get this request granted.
(6) If a company asks for your personal bank account information, this may be a cause for concern.
(7) Whenever purchasing a product or service, always leave a paper trail by using a credit or debit card. Never pay in cash. You may want to dispute charges and paying by cash will prevent this from being carried out if you feel like you've been ripped off..
(8) Never do business with anyone in the country of Nigeria. The Nigerian Government is in on most of the scams from that country. This is just too large a business for Nigeria to crack down on. I once received a cashiers check in the mail from a so-called lottery company for five-thousand dollars and was instructed to deposit this in my bank and when the check clears to wire the money to an agent for processing then wait for my big lottery check. I called the bank from which the cashiers check was drawn on and found out that they had just had a bunch of cashiers checks stolen from their bank. I was also told that this was set up by a Nigerian fraud ring. There have been numerous reports of high-level officials of the Nigerian government and the Central Bank of Nigeria personally participating in some scams. So Beware.
(9) Do not respond to Spammers. This is usually a desperate attempt to get your money by other means rather than ethical business practices.
(10) Always make sure you get a receipt or confirmation number and print it out on hardcopy for your records. The burden of proof is on you.
(11) If it sounds too good to be true, guess what, it is and it smells SCAM!
I sincerely hope that this article was some help to those of you who are really concerned and don't have a lot of money to throw away. Being the scram free business advocate that I am, I am always looking for businesses with a good track record and have invested in a few myself. It was not always like this before and there were times when I wished I had someone who could lead me in how to look for a good business. Not actually point one out for me but, but someone to teach me the nuts and bolts of how to look myself.
Crystal Davis is a Home Based Business Consultant , Scam Free Advocate, and A Free Lance Writer. Her passion is to help those, especially mothers whether married or single looking to transition from traditional employment to living out their dreams in their own home based business.
Learn More About Her At:
Saturday, June 14, 2008
How Do I Find a Work at Home Job?
One great resource that can help you find a work at home job is a job databank that can take your characteristics and experience and place you in a work at home job. Many companies will post a work at home job on these websites, because they tend to be more reliable and find qualified candidates for a work at home job. However, many of the better sites do charge a fee for the service of matching you with a work at home job, but you will find it is easier to search from one, reliable location for a work at home job. Plus, these job databanks can help you with other tasks like resume building that will help you get that work at home job.
Knowing how to use the search engine at these work at home job databanks is also important to you finding a work at home job. Make sure at general sites that you put in words that go along with a work at home job like, "work at home," "telecommute," "home-based," "home worker," etc. Using the right keywords will streamline your process of finding a work at home job better.
Even your local newspaper's classifieds have gotten into the work at home job search. Many of them are now moving to special sections for the work at home job. Even the local job search websites have those same places for work at home jobs. Remember your keywords when you are searching for a work at home job when on those websites.
You may also want to do some research within your industry to find a work at home job. Talk to people to see if they know any companies that have a work at home job available. You may even be able to talk to some human resource professionals to see if their companies have any work at home jobs.
Read the rest of the article here: How Do I Find a Work at Home Job?.
Download the Free Quick Start Workbook (Free $97 Value!) and receive valuable tips, strategies and techniques designed to grow a very successful Home Based Business.
Copyright © Charles Fuchs is an established Six Figure Income earner and one of the top online marketer's. He specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home and Home Based Business on the internet. I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way. Article Source: | ![]() |
Looking for a Free Work from Home Job
There are definitely a lot of opportunities out there for people who want to work from home, but finding a free work from home job may be difficult. A “free” job that you can do from home means that it is a job that has no start up costs or fees. When it comes to regular “outside” jobs, this is rarely an issue, because you are being hired by an employer who already has the equipment that you need to do your job. When you are hired for an Internet job, however, you are sometimes required to purchase the supplies you need to get started.
The type of home job that entails start up fees and supply fees is usually a job that involves selling products. Most of the time the company that you will be selling products for does not actually employ you; instead you are considered an independent contractor. A free work from home job is usually one where you are actually hired as an employee, such as in the case of doing data entry work or medical transcribing. If you are skilled in a certain field, then you will be more likely to get a free work from home job, or you can simply work from home running your own business.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Sales Training - Using Persuasive Language
There are many elements to making the sale including a captivating opener, good communication and presentation skills, and strong closing tactics. Perhaps one of the most crucial factors in making the sale is your power to persuade. Persuasion should be apparent all of the elements mentioned above, the opening, the presentation and even the close. Persuading with power means using language, presentations and an overall tactical approach that all lead to your prospect saying "yes."
In this article we will discuss how you can construct more persuasive language. Improving your communication skills in this way will result in your creating a more effective sales presentation.
Do you speak on the same frequency on which your prospect listens? Many sales professionals have a rigid routine from which they never deviate, they suspend talk of benefits they reach a certain point, every time. The problem with this technique is that you will likely lose your prospect long before your presentation gets to the things that actually matter to him or her.
From the very beginning of your presentation, you need to speak in terms of WIIFM, What's in it for me? You cannot wait until you have reached a special point in your presentation: in a warm sales situation your prospects will quickly lose interest, even if he or she continues to listen politely, it will be hard to bring them back. In a cold calling situation, you may not even have this much, a click of the dial tone will shortly follow an opening that doesn't include WIIFM.
Desired End States
This is a concept that goes beyond the movement that took us from features to benefits. Certainly, it is a great deal more effective to tell a prospect about the whiter whites a special chemical in your detergent will bring, rather than actually describing the chemical in scientific terms. However, you get one step closer to the sale when you focus on the desired end states.
To describe desired end states I will use the detergent example above. My time working at a Fortune 500 consumer packaged goods corporation gave me insight into one of the greatest discoveries that the sales profession has ever seen, and the detergent companies were among the first to apply it
Do you remember a long time ago when detergent ads looked like something from a science class? They would have an official looking man wearing a white coat pointing at a graphic illustration that showed scientific principle behind some mysterious chemical that would do amazing things to your laundry. Today, these ads are completely different. You will see a happy looking family doing cartwheels in a meadow or a popular young man arm in arm with a beautiful woman.
Why the change? Instead of explaining benefits, these savvy sellers decided to focus on desired end states. The term refers to the feeling a person gets when he or she is using the product in question. Its effects go far beyond benefits. It is simply more persuasive to conjure the feeling a person will get when using your product or service as opposed to just discussing the technical steps involved.
So in the case of detergent, they will show a woman who does laundry for her family having fun with them in an open field, conjuring the feeling of a wonderful day spent with her family in a beautiful, clean environment. Also, they may show a man with lots of friends and a beautiful girlfriend who doesn't have to worry about not receiving social acceptance because his clothes are always fresh and clean.
If you can create sales presentations that focus on the WIIFM and desired end states from the very beginning, you will have your prospect's attention from the very beginning. The result of this will be a more persuasive presentation.
By Alvin Day
How to Build Rapport with Anyone Instantly
It's my experience that people do business with people that they know, like and trust. If you could build stronger relationships with your potential clients faster -would that be of value to you and to your business?
Yes? Then read on.
People like people who are like themselves or who they aspire to become.
Have you ever met a perfect stranger and yet felt instantly comfortable with them? As if you've know them for ages.
Have you ever though, met someone for the 1st time and instantly disliked them or felt uncomfortable with them for no apparent reason?
Lots of sales people will say to me ...well I'm already pretty good at rapport, I get on with most people....there's always going to be a few that you don't hit it off with.
I want to show you how you can get on with anyone, quickly and effectively so that you can do business with them. Even with the ones you wouldn't normally hit it off with. This is important because they are the extra sales for your business and will give you the edge over the competition.
What is Rapport?
Rapport is that feeling of being comfortable with someone and trusting them.
A crucial component in any interaction particularly a sales interaction. It's the first thing we need to establish and the most important thing to keep all the way through the presentation to the client.
We often don't know WHY we like or dislike someone which makes me ask the question then "Where does rapport take place?"
In our minds we have two components - The conscious mind and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind likes to think it is in control. It's the logical mind, the rational mind, the goal setting mind.
However, the unconscious mind is that part of us that runs the body. It's the part that stays awake when we're asleep, listening for the alarm clock. It's the part that keeps us breathing without thinking about it, it keeps our heart beating and our spleen, dare I say it, spleening!
The conscious mind may set the goals but the unconscious mind is the part that gets the goals. It filters out irrelevant information and makes you take notice of the things you need to look out for, opportunities to meet your goal.
Rapport happens at the level of the unconscious mind so how can we use it consciously to help us build strong relationships quickly and easily?
How do you get into rapport with someone?
How To Get In Rapport
Start with the chit chat - Look for common interests, hobbies, acquaintances, places you have been to, styles of clothing you might like etc. Find some things in common by having a little chat before the sales process begins. You are looking to put them at ease and enjoy having you there.
In order to have this conversation and find the common experiences we have to exchange words AND you need to have good listening skills to notice what information they are giving so that you can use to good effect. You need to be ACTIVELY listening - all too often we're so busy thinking about what we want to say next that we are not concentrating on what the other person is saying. Key point - be present with your client at all times.
Notice also the language that people use when they talk.
Now obviously I don't mean are they speaking English or Portuguese here! I mean how do they choose to internally represent the world outside?
People tend to have what is called a dominant or preferred thinking style.
People prefer to communicate in one of three ways:-
We all use all three - we just have one that we prefer to use one more than the others.
What to look for......
If someone likes to communicate using their auditory senses they might use phrases such as
"I hear what you're saying"
"That rings a bell"
"Tell me more"
If someone likes to communicate using their visual senses they might use phrases such as
"I get the picture"
"I see what you mean"
"Can you imagine that?"
If someone likes to communicate using their kinaesthetic senses they might use phrases such as
"I get the feeling that..."
"I need concrete evidence"
"Give me hard facts"
If you are talking to a client and you just don't seem to be getting the connection or the understanding that you need - stop and ask yourself - how am I different to them?
It may be that you are speaking a "foreign" language perhaps by noticing their preferred style of communication and adjusting yours to match you'll achieve rapport.
It's Not Just The Words You Use
Studies have shown that only 7% of what is communicated between people is transmitted through the words themselves.
38% comes through the tone of the voice, the tempo, the volume and the timbre - or individual characteristics of the voice and
55% of communication, by far the largest part is a result of physiology or body language.
Let's first understand what is meant by the characteristics of the voice.
You could mirror the tonality and phrasing, the pitch, the speed, volume, tempo - what sort of pauses does that person make?
What about the BIG bit though?
Body language or physiology - one of the fastest ways to build rapport with another person is to mirror and match their body language.
What aspects of another person's body language could we mirror or match?
The facial expressions,
The gestures,
The quality and type of movements,
Mirror or copy they stand or sit up straight or are they slouched? Do they have their legs crossed or not? Do they have there hands in their lap or their arms folded or resting their hand on their chin?
Do they make lots of eye contact? What are their facial expressions....if they are looking sad - you wouldn't want to be sitting there with a big grin on your face!
How do they breathe.........long deep breaths, short shallow breaths?
Do they tilt their head to one can mirror all of these things.
Obviously you might want to be a little subtle at times, mirroring and matching some part of their physiology not copying every posture and move - if they notice you've blown it! So use it wisely.
Combine that with matching the words or language that they use and you will have them as your friend in no time because whilst the words are working on the persons conscious mind, the physiology is working on the unconscious minds and the brain starts to think WOW! They're like me!
Practice it, master it and watch your business grow!!
Watch for my next article - I Am In Rapport, Now What? Eliciting Buying Strategies.
For further information on this subject and to discover how coaching and training n this subject can help you and your business grow contact Tracey Dowe at Momentum People Ltd
tel: 01793 700929
Tracey Dowe is a qualified life coach, NLP Master practitioner and trainer with a mission to inspire others to find the best in themselves and to give the best of themselves. She has an uncanny knack of being able to ask just the right question at just the right times to enable clients to have the break throughs that they need. She not only loves what she does but get results too!Tracey says "My own life has changed immeasurably in the last 5 years and I now live each day with boundless energy and passion for life, something that you'll discover if you go to my web site at and I love to inspire others to have the same joy and success in their lives too. It's amazing just what each of us can achieve with even a little external encouragement and insight. I have a particular interest in developing strong leaders for the future empowering them to take control of their lives and Lead rather than do what's expected".Tracey is committed to giving you easy to follow strategies that will give you immediate results in your personal life, business and relationships. Article Source: | ![]() |
Thursday, June 12, 2008
8 Blogging Tips to Grip Your Readers
1. Shorter = better. This is almost a rule and I break it sometimes in spite of knowing that it is quite important to write short and concise posts. It happens to me that when I find and interesting but excessively long post usually I get bored of reading and I give up without reading the whole text. I talked about it with my friend Cheeky Chubby (you must have a blog, you missed a link ;) ) he reminded me that sometimes I write too long posts and I know it my friend, but sometimes I write and write and write...
2. You must use lists, like I'm doing now. Readers like list, they love to have the information organized and easy to read.
3. Try to write on one idea per post. Don't mix two or three different topics in the same post. If you have several things in your mind it is better to write a different post for each one and programme them to different hours instead of publish in a row.
4. Explain things as clear and simple as possible. You must realize that most of your readers aren't experts with computers or high skilled in the use of Internet.
5. Use the Time Stamp feature. Yeah, this is one of the best tools that WordPress has. If you write 3 or 4 posts in a row you can publish them all along the day, every couple of hours for example. This way your readers will return to your blog more than once per day to see if something new is there.
6. Speak to your readers with closeness. You don't know who are most of them but remember that they know who you are and they like to hear about you and your blog. So try to be close to them in your writing style, avoid to be distant. This is something like "be yourself".
7. Try to write without grammar and spelling mistakes... well, perhaps I'm not the best one to talk about this ;) . Yes, this is important. A text full of this kind of mistakes seems to be written by a little boy and it affects to your credibility as a serious blogger.
8. Be optimist. People like to read good and successful stories. It encourages them to follow your steps and follow you closer. Don't tell them how bad your day is because all of us have enough with our own troubles. Give them an optimistic point of view, brighten them up :D
Put in practice this advices, I assure you that you'll get positive results.
Article written by Alfonso Muñoz from
Article Source:
Small Business Websites For Less
By Alex Johnson
Small business owners know two things - they need a website, and websites are expensive! Faced with shelling out thousands of dollars for a sleek, custom site, many businesses decide to not have any presence on the Web.
Years ago, there weren't a lot of options when you needed a website. Now, services such as Yahoo Small Business allow business owners of all levels of technical ability to easily create websites using their own text, images, and logo. For the slightly more knowledgeable, free content management systems such as Drupal and Joomla can be used to create highly functional, dynamic sites. Or, services such as TemplateMonster offer affordable, professionally designed website templates which can be customized.
For a first time site owner, I recommend the Yahoo Web Hosting service, which includes the Yahoo Web Sites as part of an affordable monthly package. Yahoo Web Sites are attractive, functional, and easy to customize. Yahoo Small Business also offers a number of other services to assist business owners in developing a Web presence, including search engine marketing, domain name registration, and ecommerce solutions. And if you do choose to go the route of purchasing a template or using a content management system, you'll still need a web host. Yahoo Web Hosting is one of the most established and reliable of these services.
If you want your site to have advanced functionality, but don't have technical knowledge, you can employ a programmer to assist you in customizing a content management system based site. Since the underlying software, such as Joomla, Drupal, or CMS Made Simple is free, and many functions have already been completed, your designer has much less work to do. You can find free or commercial templates for these systems to reduce your cost even further.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
How to Increase Your Sales by Keeping Your Visitors Coming Back to Your Site
When visitors go to your site, you must retain their full attention. Very few Internet users will put your site on their list of "favorite". So what are the conditions that must be fulfilled so that you keep your visitors coming back to your site and then become customers in the future? There are four strategies used on the biggest merchant Web sites. These methods will increase your customer loyalty and your income at the same time.
1 - Stand out.
Having your own domain name is a sure way to you score points in terms of credibility. You justify your presence on the Internet. This perception is important, your credibility may be challenged by such an address: Remember that by hosting your site this way you will end loosing a lot more than having a real domain name that you paid for. So to avoid all these little inconvenience, your address must look like the following model:
2 - Protect your customers.
Post a ''respect for privacy'' declaration on your web site. It is possible to be punished for abuse of personal data. The safety of passing information on the Internet is still valid, you can make a difference on your site with a description of your procedures to protect your customers.
3 - Website Design.
We must take a great care on how we judge the graphical appearance of our site. What style are you looking for? Rather the kind organized and professional or simply a showcase site that represent your company or even a personal page (you never know maybe that this solution could work). You can develop your site by yourself if you have the knowledge and the time required. That is certainly the most economical solution in the short term, but that may not be the most profitable in the long run if you focus your attention on another part of your business. If you need assistance in the review of your site do not hesitate to seek for honest and ruthless advice.
4 - E-mail follow up
If you do not ask your visitors to leave their e-mail address, there is little chance that they do so spontaneously, especially if it is for a newsletter. It is important that you can give them a good reason to subscribe to your newsletter and not at another. State that you are a reliable source of knowledge, let them understand that they need you. Once your visitors subscribe, they will then become a good source of regular visitors. Use auto-responders like Aweber to deliver your e-mail newsletters. Running a newsletter is one of the most effective ways to get repeat business from your customers.
Unfortunately there is no miracle powder to keep your visitors on your website. You must keep testing all the time to find what works the best for your business. However thanks to these classic mistakes and obstacles that keep your visitors running away from your website!
To Your Success!
Do you want to learn more about Internet Marketing? I have just completed my brand new guide to Search Engine Marketing Success: ''How To Consistently Drive Thousands Of Targeted Visitors Every Day With Search Engine Optimization.''
Serge Daudelin
Affordable Search Engine Optimization
Why Internet Marketing is Big
Many more consumers are purchasing online every day, which could be the main reason the internet is so huge when it comes to marketing products and services. Thanks to the dot com boom of the 90's, consumers have slowly changed the way purchases are made and consumer transactions are done. There could be many other factors to help this theory, but the dot com boom is the main one.
Currently, round two of the dot com boom is much healthier because both the supply and demand sides of the equation are at an all time high. Not only are people purchasing things off the internet, but they are looking for information on the internet and they are looking for a way to make their living in some cases off the internet. Thanks to the upgrade in infrastructure, higher daily usage of internet marketing has developed, and businesses are reaching bigger audiences all the time now.
However, while this is the one and only reason for the initial boom in internet marketing, there have been other reasons to come along in the interim to increase the importance of internet marketing to the average online businessperson. One of the ways in which this has been seen has to do with the spending rates that companies can use in order to get results online. Since free advertising exists on the internet, a person or business technically does not have to pay anything if they don't want to. Even if they do, rates are a fraction of what they would be offline. Online advertising rates can be considerably lower than offline advertising, giving a number of businesses the equal playing field they never had before for reaching the consumer.
It is the bright future of marketing on the internet which is driving it's constant increase. More and more companies rely on internet marketing and so the future looks bright as the number of people joining the internet increases every single day. With both supply and demand growing with each passing day, the second dot com boom has a much healthier economy and that news in and of itself is enough to spur more investment into internet marketing.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Dealing With Adversity When Working From Home
Working at home can present many opportunities, but it can also come with unique problems. When a person works at home they have to learn to deal with adversity. Unexpected things can often interfere with the ability to work at home and it is important that a person is prepared to handle the unexpected things that may come their way.
Working at home usually involves using the internet. There may come a time when a person can not get access to the internet for one reason or another at their home. This can cause big problems when it comes to working and keeping up with deadlines and work requirements. Internet connection could be interrupted so you'll have to search for another connection. A couple ideas are using a friend's computer or going to the public library and using the computer there.
Illness is another adverse situation that could interfere with working at home. Should a person become seriously ill where they will be unable to work it is of the utmost importance that the employer be informed. Always have our employers contact information handy so they can be informed of emergency situations. Having this information is very important because it may not be possible for the person to make contact with their employer themselves and so they have to rely on someone else to do it.
During certain times of the year weather can become a huge obstacle in working at home. Weather could be a huge interruption, and sometimes even a permanent one. In cases such as these a person needs a plan on how to inform the employer of their situation. This could involve one of your family members notifying your employer, depending on how serious your situation is.
It is important to always have some type of back up plan. Just because a person works at home does not meant hey are off the hook from having to be responsible about meeting deadlines and showing up when they should at work. If anything, it is something that is even harder to deal with in the work at home environment. Understanding the things that could happen can save a person from a lot of trouble with employers.
There is no doubt you will experience adversity working from home. Employers are usually very understanding when it comes to emergencies and problems that their workers may have. All it takes is having a plan to let the employer know what is going on. Your work at home job could be jeopardized without having a plan. Employers want someone who is reliable and who will keep them informed no matter what may be going on. Handling it all properly is important, and experiencing it is not the end of the world.
By William M Drapcho
20 Internet Marketing And Ecommerce Facts
1. US online holiday retail sales will grow to over $39 billion in 2007, a 20% increase over 2006.
2. A record 126 million users will buy online this holiday season, a 6% increase over 2006.
3. 70% of leisure travelers book at least some of their personal travel online.
4. 52% of leisure travelers purchase all or most of their personal travel online.
5. 61% of online consumers are more likely to shop online with a retailer that offers free shipping than one that doesn't.
6. 18% of online consumers said that they plan to spend more on gift cards in 2007, compared with in 2006.
7. 33% of online retailers plan on investing more in live chat in 2008.
8. 53% of online retailers are planning to enhance their guest checkout process in 2008.
9. 80% of online retailers are planning to add alternative images to product detail pages in 2008.
10. 72% of online retailers plan on incorporating lifestyle photography into their sites.
11. 63% of online retailers plan on integrating customer ratings and reviews into their sites.
12. The top 10 e-commerce web sites, measured by the number of unique visitors is, Wal Mart, Target, JC Penny,,,, eBay Express, Kohl's and Macy's.
13. 53% of car shoppers start shopping online.
14. 71% of online shoppers browse multiple stores prior to making a purchase.
15. 42% of online shoppers in the US use comparison engines.
16. 53% of online shoppers surveyed ranked discounts or exclusive offers for members as the most important feature of Frequent Buyer/Loyalty Programs.
17. 6% of all retail sales in 2006 were online sales.
18. 10 percent of all clothing sales in the US are expected to occur online.
19. Online sales rose 29 percent in 2006 to over $146 billion.
20. Online sales are expected to climb 19.1% to $174.5 billion in 2007.